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Apple II vs. Commodore 64: Retro PC Battle

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Author : Harsh

Editor : Sachin

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In the late 70s and early 80s, Apple and Commodore were two names at the top of every tech wish list. It was challenging to compare the Apple I and Commodore 64 at the time, but today we can look at these two systems side-by-side

Apple II

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A Home computer, manufactured by Apple Computer in June 1977. Its predecessor is Apple I while Successor is Apple II Plus.

Commodore 64

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A Home computer manufactured by Commodore Business Machines which was released in August, 1982. It's predecessor is Commodore VIC-20/MAX Machine while Successor is Commodore 128.

Must-Know Fact

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-The Commodore 64 is the best-selling desktop PC of all time according to Guiness book of World Record -Consumers could purchase the Commodore 64 in toy stores, unlike other home computers.


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The C64 was designed to compete with home video consoles like the Atari 2600 and computers. The original Apple II wasn't as sleek as the Commodore 64, but wasore open to unique configurations and just as easy to hook up to a tv set.


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The C64 also has 65 KB of RAM and 20 KB of ROM, while the Apple II shipped with 4 KB of RAM. The design allowed the RAM to be extended up to 48KB on the Apple II, which brings us to expansion slots and peripherals.


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